O Radix Jesse (3rd Advent Antiphon)


O Root of Jesse, Who standest for an ensign of the people, at Whom kings shall shut their mouths, unto Whom the Gentiles shall pray: Come and deliver us, and tarry not.

The Tree of Jesse, Unknown Artist (c. 1240, Würzburg, Germany). Image courtesy of the Getty Museum.

The Tree of Jesse, Unknown Artist (c. 1240, Würzburg, Germany). Image courtesy of the Getty Museum.

O Lord Jesu Christ, the new shoot from the hewn down stump of Jesse's line,
in whom all the promises should be fulfilled;
the champion of Thy people,
to whom the Gentile nations should turn in submission and obedience:
Thou hast come of the seed of David according to the flesh,
being born in obscurity of a maiden of the royal line;
Thou hast set up Thy holy catholic Church,
commanding Thine apostles to make disciples of all nations
and to train all peoples in obedience to Thy holy commandments:
Come now, we pray Thee, by Thy grace, and tarry not,
hasten the manifestation of Thy kingdom;
grant that Thy Church may continually be increased
by the gathering in of new children to Thee,
and perfected by the increasing devotion of those who have been regenerated.

Isaiah xi. 1, 10, lii, 15; Romans i. 3; Matthew xxviii. 19, 20.

The “Jesse Tree” is also a traditional Advent practice that celebrates the family tree of Jesus during the Advent season.

Read more about the Advent “O Antiphons,” which are to be chanted before and after the Magnificat at Vespers for the final seven days of Advent.

Charlie Bauer